Insights from our A1M Solutions team members
A reflection and call-to-action piece (through the lens of human-centered best practices) about the OMB seeking feedback on developing a public participation and community engagement framework, and how we believe these types of efforts can be improved.
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Investments in community-based organizations in rural areas are a critical solution to the healthcare provider shortage — and have surprisingly widespread effects on health-related social needs.
Explore practical methods for making websites more accessible to people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Over ten years, California has committed to a more person-centered approach to improving residents' health. This includes ensuring health and human services agencies build technology solutions focused on those they serve. Here's how A1M's expertise in human-centered design aligns to their goals.
"Sunsetting" is the phasing out of a product, service, or policy. Like real sunsets, technology sunsets need a gradual, smooth fade-out. Here are five lessons we've learned to make your sunset beautiful.
Here are some ways contractors can build reciprocal trust and meaningful relationships with government partners without using niche vocabularies, fancy slide decks, or double-diamond frameworks.
Lorem Ipsum is the design industry term for a block of nonsensical text used as a placeholder. It emerged from a real need for unfinished text, but it doesn't address the content problems that teams in government need to solve.
Lo-fi wireframes are often overlooked but are a crucial step in the design process.
California has approved A1M to provide unified policy, design, and digital transformation consulting for community-based organizations participating in the CalAIM Medicaid initiative. Our focus is building capacity for data collection, management, sharing, and use.
A1M recently submitted our first comment response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking from CMS related to the Medicaid program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), suggesting improvements for implementation of eligibility and enrollment changes. Commenting on proposed changes.
Any business with an email address or phone number is a target for phishing. There are a lot of small federal contracting businesses trusted to support government operations, including ours, and we...
As the world appears to be turning a corner with the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Medicaid beneficiaries may soon lose the coverage they rely on.
If you want to be an expert content strategist, try thinking of yourself as a detective. Not sure how to do that? This article offers a guide to content sleuthing...
In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on why and how nature has influenced my life and shaped the very principles that guide our work at A1M...
The heated election season — and the change in administration — is spurring a lot of interest in government tech jobs. I was previously a federal government employee with 18F; I highly recommend...
Crossing over from the private sector into civic tech, we bring our experience and knowledge from consumer research along with us, but in civic tech, SMEs are the people who know what you need to know to build a fantastic government product.
I’ve learned a lot about the story of EO 10450, and it taught me to read Executive Orders not at the level of the policy they’re saying they put forth, but at their actual effects.
Laura is a public interest service designer facilitating community-driven, justice-oriented, system savvy change.
We embrace complex problems with a respect for the past and a vision for the future.