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When we cross over from building products in the private sector tech world into the civic tech world, we bring our experience and knowledge from consumer research along with us. Most of my experience in startups and corporate roles was researching with consumers — the people trying to buy or use a product or service. One of the biggest changes I experienced moving into civic tech was the pivot to doing the bulk of my research projects with subject matter experts (SMEs). You might also hear folks call them “smees”.
An SME might be a stakeholder. More likely they are a policy expert, or someone who works in an area of government that is related to the product you are building. They might be a leader in the division your product lives under. They might even be a user of your product. SMEs have vast institutional knowledge, and may have seen a product or process evolve over time. They also can connect you with the right folks to fill in any knowledge gaps they or you may have. SMEs are one of your best, most reliable assets in building a product for the public sector. This is not to discount the role of constituents or consumers and their direct experience, of course.
There are some similarities between researching with consumers and researching with SMEs. The similarities are mostly in methodology — meeting people where they are, creating context, and making connections. With both consumers and SMEs, you want to guide a conversation while listening for great tidbits of information that you might not have known to ask about. With SMEs they have a level of expertise and depth of knowledge that you will not be able to anticipate, so deep listening and asking follow up questions on the fly becomes your greatest research skill.
Where conducting research with SMEs tends to differ from conducting research with consumers is around the SMEs depth of knowledge, their motivations to participate in studies, and the level of trust that needs to be established to open their Mary Poppins bag of good stuff.
Here are three things to pay attention to when conducting research with SMEs.
Supporting SMEs in sharing their knowledge across a product ecosystem requires deep trust.
SMEs will be more knowledgeable than a consumer research participant.
SMEs will have different motivations to participate in research than consumers.
There is one last surprise to be prepared for.
SMEs are the people who know what you need to know to build a fantastic government product. They are civil servants keeping our society and government services running smoothly. It’s an exciting challenge for a researcher to help share the knowledge of an SME with your product team. Let them be your information guide to building excellent government products and services.
Sara is A1M’s Chief Operating Officer, overseeing programs and growth. With her vast federal experience, she champions flexibility and creativity, empowering our team to accomplish outstanding work.
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