
Anthony Silverman
An-thuh-nee Sil-vur-man
Principal Product Manager

I work across our teams to both deliver on product work and strategize where we can make the most impact with our clients. Prior to joining A1M I’ve spent years inside and alongside government agencies helping to improve their services, with a particular focus on access to hard supports for children and families. This has included things ranging from child welfare prevention service design, policy work, and data modernization as well as creating tools to improve the uptake of the Earned Income Tax Credit, housing supports, and food assistance. I take a particular focus on mapping out the needs of individuals and communities alongside the needs of the agencies serving them and envisioning both what improvements look like and the tools and processes that will streamline and enable their desired outcomes across roles and levels.

We're inspired by nature

A1M’s principles relate to compelling practices found in nature.

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We're ready for the challenge

We embrace complex problems with a respect for the past and a vision for the future.

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